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I blurt out things without thinking, sometimes hurting other people’s feelings by sharing opinions that would be better unsaid.

My friends or family members have asked me not to monopolize conversations, saying that I talk excessively when we are together.

I feel compelled to move around. For example, when watching a movie, I feel driven to get up and move around after only a few minutes.

I generally feel restless, as if I need to be perpetually doing something or going somewhere.

I fidget whenever I need to sit still and concentrate. I tap a pencil, move my feet, or play with my hair, even when in meetings for work and often without consciously doing so.

When doing chores at home, I move from task to task, without finishing anything. Chores are more like a burst of whirlwind activity — things get moved around but rarely cleared off my to-do list totally.

On a whim, I have purchased items I don’t need, even when I can’t afford the items or am watching my money.

I find it difficult to control my emotions. I can anger quickly but the feeling quickly subsides and I may not even remember why I was mad the next day.

I have poor driving skills. I drive too fast, make sudden moves without signaling, get lost, and/or have received tickets for speeding.

I have had car accidents.

I tend to get bored quickly and crave excitement.

I have a difficult time waiting in lines. For example, I try going to the grocery store at off times, such as late at night, when there won’t be a line at the check-out.

I have trouble sleeping. My mind races and I find it hard to turn off my thoughts to relax and fall asleep.

I become physically uncomfortable when I need to sit still for extended times during long work meetings, day-long seminars, and even movies or church. I try to avoid situations where I will need to be still for extended periods.

I finish sentences for other people, even though I know that is inappropriate and sometimes rude.

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