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Do you people mention to you that you are blinking your eyes, jerking your neck, or twitching your nose, arm, or leg? *

Do people mention to you that you make the same sniffing or coughing noise over and over, even at times when your throat doesn’t have a tickle? *

Do you make known hand gestures (like giving the thumbs up) at inappropriate times, when you don’t mean to? *

Have you been reprimanded or shunned for mimicking what people said, and then wondered why you did it? *

Do you blurt out random words unintentionally, when they have nothing to do with the conversation? *

Over the past month, have you experienced a significant level of verbal and movement tics on more than half of the days? *

Have you had these tics for more than a year? *

Do these movements and sounds cause you emotional distress? *

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